Give Blood? Not This Reporter

Give Blood? Not This Reporter

Give Blood? Not This Reporter

Give Blood? Not This Reporter

Give Blood? Not This Reporter

April 9, 1953
April 1953
Book Review

Give Blood? Not This Reporter
[Stanley Meisler's first published article] It took 22 years, but I finally got up enough nerve to let a pretty nurse, Mary Jane Bishop of Cincinnati, draw one whole pint of dark RED blood from a bulging BLUE vein in my pale WHITE arm. Officials of the Red Cross and the American Legion trapped me yesterday during the first day of the bloodmobile's current visit to Middletown. I was snooping around the Legion Home on a routine check of Red Cross business when Mrs. Charles Fay, scheduling chairman, suggested a tour of the bloodmobile operation...

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement

April 19, 1953
April 1953
Book Review

Schools, Industries, OSES Work Together In Placement
Middletown will not let its more than 300 June high school graduates jump blindly into this sometimes difficult world. For years the schools, industries and employment service have been cooperating to give youngsters proper vocational and educational guidance and placement. Middletown high school offers such a program under the direction of Miss Helen Hartman. Her offices, filled with vocational pamphlets, college catalogues, and bulletins from trade, business, art. music and nursing schools, are always available to interested students...

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy

April 19, 1953
April 1953
Book Review

One World's Foods Prove Burdensome For One Tummy
Foolishly, I ate a full meal before Middletown Y-Teens, representing the natives of seven different world areas, shoved films, dances, exhibits, songs, records, favors and food — mostly food — at me during their World Fellowship Party Thursday night at the high school. The girls had spent a month studying the different countries and preparing the activities. They w ere directed by Miss Veda McCray, faculty advisor. Miss McCray suggested that I move through the different rooms and survey world fellowship...

Teachers Need Raise, They Say

Teachers Need Raise, They Say

Teachers Need Raise, They Say

Teachers Need Raise, They Say

Teachers Need Raise, They Say

June 21, 1953
June 1953
Book Review

Teachers Need Raise, They Say
Harry E. Hadley and J. Howard Stalker, candidates for positions on the Board of Education, today announced they will support the board when it asks for a tax levy in November. The board said on June 3 that it would need the additional funds to adjust wages and salaries of school personnel...

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"

June 21, 1953
June 1953
Book Review

Bible Classes Fulfilled Dream Of Mr. Schulz In 32 Years Of Teaching; "God Opened Way"
In April, 1921, a preacher, forced by illness to give up his congregation, came to Middletown High School at the request of Principal Wade E. Miller, his college roommate. The Rev. Jerome C. Schulz was to fill in for a few months, but he stayed for 32 years until the legal retirement age of 70 pushed him out of the schools this June and back into preaching...

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives

November 27, 1953
November 1953
Book Review

City Cloaked In White As First Heavy Snow Drops; Santa Arrives
The face of Middletown glowed under a thin veil of white this morning. Crystals of snow last night fluffed onto the city and instead of loosening into streamlets of dark, dirt-drawing water, they huddled together and clung to the rooftops, trees and the ground. It was not the first snowfall of the season, but it was the first that left some of itself behind...

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims

November 27, 1953
November 1953
Book Review

Postmen To Walk Again Tomorrow Night For MD-Afflicted Victims
Burning porch lights will signal the start tomorrow night of Middletown’s fight against muscular dystrophy. Local letter carriers, rewalking their routes at 6 p.m., will stop at all homes where porches are lighted and collect contributions for the campaign against the disease...