How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime

How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime

How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime

How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime

How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime

June 17, 1978
June 1978
Book Review

How Democratic is Spain? A Mime Troupe Tests the Regime
Nothing has embarrassed the self-proclaimed Spanish democracy of King Juan Carlos and Premier Adolfo Suarez more than the case of Els Joglars, a Catalan mime troupe convicted of insulting the army. Protests have come from the best-known writers and artists of Europe. Paloma Picasso has warned that the Picasso family will never agree to the transfer of her father’s “Guernica” from New York’s Museum of Modern Art to Spain until the four imprisoned actors are released. The case is so ludicrous, anachronistic and unjust that many outsiders are convinced the King will find a way soon to free the actors and end the embarrassment. But whether or not the actors leave their prisons in Barcelona before the end of their two-year sentences, the case has revealed some of the flaws in Spain’s remarkable but fragile attempt at transition from the dictatorship of the late Francisco Franco to a parliamentary government. A latent, unhealthy fear of the army still ties the tongues of critics. And, after almost four decades of Francoism, people here feel that injustice to an individual or defilement of a principle are not worth fretting about so long as the outer forms of democracy are intact...